What We Do
food for hungary program
ESCR- Asia as the first domestic hunger-relief organization, is leading the fight against hunger in our nation. We do this by not only feeding people on the ground, but also by raising awareness of the issue across the country. Since 2008 we have been Feeding hungry people across Pakistan
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Our Campaign to Eradicate Child Labour
ESCR- Asia Pakistan is working with various local Partners on the Elimination of Child Labour, by assisting the government of Pakistan in the elimination of Child Labour.
ESCR-Asia/HRBA2J-Asia, Regional and Northeast Asia
*Assessment on Lessons Learned in Human Rights Based Access to Justice Work in Asia
*Human Rights-based Access to Justice Primer Translation and Dissemination in Northeast (NEA) Asian Countries
- Intergovernmental (IGO) –UNDP-Asia Pacific Regional Center/ UNDP-New York
Production of a video documentary ‘Between The Cracks: Voices of the Philippine Informal Sector”- Philippines
This is a 30-minute video documentary depicting the pressing concerns of streetvendors and small transport groups and their role in the Philippine economy
- Government-Royal Netherlands Embassy-Manila
Development of Rights-based Voter Education Modules for Members of Vulnerable Groups : Fisherfolks, Women and Informal Sector -Philippines
*Capacity-building /Training of leaders coming the fisherfols, women and small transport group
- Government and private-NGO-Institute for Political and Electoral Reform (IPER)UNDEF/European Union
Development of a Right to Food Toolkit “The Justice of Eating “-Philippines
*Research with 30 case studies on how right to food is promoted and or violated
*Training material on right to food to government policymakers and civil society stakeholders on right to food
- Intergovernmental-UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Rome-Right to Food Union